A new treaty: a new role for regions and local authorities

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2010
Content Type

The Treaty of Lisbon acknowledged explicitly – for the first time – the principle of regional and local self-government within the EU Member States. It also attributes further importance to the local and regional levels in the subsidiarity principle.

The Treaty ensured that the drawing up of new EU laws starts with thorough consideration of the local and regional impacts of all proposals. It also gives the Committee of the Regions more powers to follow the draft bill through all stages of the legislative process. The Treaty gives the EU Assembly of regional and local representatives more political and legal tools.

Authorities at all levels throughout Europe will have to work together to a much greater extent than previously. The Committee of the Regions is anticipating these new challenges and is ready to help further empower local and regional authorities.

This booklet explains the major changes that the Lisbon Treaty will bring for the Committee of the Regions and its partners.

Source Link http://www.cor.europa.eu/COR_cms/ui/ViewDocument.aspx?siteid=default&contentID=84fa6e84-0373-42a2-a801-c8ea83a24a72
Subject Categories
Countries / Regions