Author (Person) | Roller, Lars Hendrik, Véron, Nicolas |
Publisher | Centre for Economic Policy Research |
Series Title | CEPR VoxEU |
Series Details | 6.12.08 |
Publication Date | 06/12/2008 |
Content Type | Journal | Series | Blog |
European security concerns about foreign investment have produced opaque and inconsistent responses by national governments. This column makes the case for establishing a EU authority to address the issue in an open, comprehensive and sustainable manner rather than allowing the proliferation of disparate national regulatory initiatives. The openness of the EU investment environment is at stake. is a policy portal set up by the Centre for Economic Policy Research in conjunction with a consortium of national sites, including the Italian site LaVoce, the French site Telos and the Spanish site Sociedad Abierta. Vox aims to promote research-based policy analysis and commentary by leading scholars. The intended audience is economists in governments, international organisations, academia and the private sector as well as journalists specializing in economics, finance and business. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
Subject Categories | Trade |
Countries / Regions | Europe |