30 November – 1 December Justice and Home Affairs Council

Series Title
Series Details 07/12/00, Volume 6, Number 45
Publication Date 07/12/2000
Content Type

Date: 07/12/00

JUSTICE ministers agreed to adopt a draft regulation allowing consumers to take foreign companies to court in their own country over legal disputes. The legislation updates an existing treaty between member states outside of the framework of the EU - the Brussels Convention - bringing it under the auspices of Community law. The new accord could also be applied to disputes concerning purchases made over the Internet, a move which firms fear could lead to European-wide litigation from web-site consumers. Governments agreed to review the effects of the legislation on the e-commerce market in future.

THE French presidency failed to secure a deal on common penalties for, and definitions of, trafficking in human beings and smuggling. Ministers were unable to agree on penalties for criminals who arrange for illegal immigrants to be brought into the Union because of fears about the humanitarian consequences of the legislation and disagreement on the severity of the sanctions. They also failed to reach an accord on EU-wide penalties for those, such as truck drivers, who smuggle immigrants into the Union.

MINISTERS formally agreed to double the size of the Schengen free-movement area, adding five Nordic countries: Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway and Iceland. From 25 March next year, border controls between these countries and the existing Schengen nations will be lifted.

JUSTICE ministers agreed to end visa restrictions on Bulgarian passport-holders and indicated that they intended to do the same for Romanians. From May, Bulgaria will be placed on the 'white list' of nations whose citizens do not need visas to enter the EU. Romania could also have the restriction lifted if a Union executive report next year shows that the nation has made progress in improving border controls.

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