26-27 September Justice and Home Affairs Informal

Series Title
Series Details 03/10/96, Volume 2, Number 36
Publication Date 03/10/1996
Content Type

Date: 03/10/1996

A COMMITMENT was made by ministers to “maximising cooperation in the fight against trade in human beings and sexual abuse of children”, and they agreed in principle to three joint actions, which include extending the remit of the European Drugs Unit (EDU) to human trafficking. The unit will establish a directory of experts on international organised crime. A training and exchange programme will also be set up. Irish Justice Minister Nora Owen said, however, that until member states ratified the Europol Convention, it would not be possible to establish data files on missing children. Formal agreement on the joint actions is expected at the 28-29 November Justice Council.

IN A show of reconciliation between Spain and Belgium, following a dispute last year, ministers signed the EU extradition convention. Once ratified, it will significantly relax the preconditions for granting an extradition request between member states. All those accused of offences carrying a maximum sentence of at least 12 months in the requesting state and six months in the country of refuge will be liable for extradition. Extradition will not be refused for 'conspiracy' or 'criminal association' offences where the intended crime is terrorism, or is otherwise 'sensitive'. In principle, no applications will be turned down as politically or religiously motivated, or because they involve a national of the state receiving the request. Extradition will be allowed for fiscal offences.

A PROTOCOL to the EU fraud convention, designed to tackle corruption by EU or national officials and politicians, was signed by ministers. Under the protocol, a distinction is drawn between passive corruption (where an official allows himself to be corrupted) and active corruption (where somebody corrupts an official). As defined, member states are obliged to make corruption a criminal offence punishable by imprisonment and allow for the possibility of extradition in serious cases.

THE meeting also considered Irish proposals to step up the fight against drugs, largely consisting of improved police and forensic cooperation across the EU. A resolution calling for the highest possible sentences for drug offenders will be prepared for the November Council.

MINISTERS discussed a Commission report on temporary protection for asylum seekers. In light of the large number of refugees who fled from Bosnia, there were calls for an EU strategy to be devised to cope with any similar event in the future.

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