22 November Fisheries Council

Series Title
Series Details 28/11/96, Volume 2, Number 44
Publication Date 28/11/1996
Content Type

Date: 28/11/1996

LITTLE progress was made on the European Commission's controversial plans for sharp reductions in fishing capacity, and chances of a deal by the end of the year have declined. France, the Netherlands, Belgium and the UK suggested a one-year extension to the current fleet reduction programme, although this cut no ice with Fisheries Commissioner Emma Bonino. She stressed the Union would be unable to continue paying restructuring aid if no agreement was reached by the end of the year. Irish Fisheries Minister and Council President Sean Barrett had proposed a compromise based on maximum cuts of 20&percent; over three years and greater flexibility for member states on how to reach their targets. British minister Tony Baldry reiterated that the UK would not implement any major cuts until the problem of 'quota-hoppers' had been dealt with.

DESPITE lengthy talks, ministers again failed to agree on a satellite system for tracking fishing vessels. Officials said that Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden and France had objected to the scope of an Irish compromise on the Commission's 1993 proposal. The former suggested only vessels of over 24 metres should be covered, compared with the Commission proposal of 18 metres. The start of the first phase, covering fishing in non-EU waters, would be delayed until 30 June 1998, with all Union fishing coming under the scheme from 2000. Vessels at sea for less than 24 hours or operating within the 12-mile limit would be exempted from the scheme. Italy and Spain claimed the measures would discriminate against their fleets, and the Dutch felt a disproportionate number of their vessels would be affected.

THE Commission agreed to look into Scottish calls for the imposition of minimum import prices (MIPs) on exported farmed salmon. Scottish Secretary Michael Forsyth made the request after farmed salmon prices fell to their lowest level since MIPs were lifted in June. The Scottish Salmon Growers' Association filed an anti-dumping complaint in June against salmon imported from Norway, but the Commission is unlikely to complete its investigation until spring 1997.

MINISTERS agreed without discussion on guide prices for 1997 for fresh and frozen fish products and the producer price for tuna destined for canning. Commission proposals were generally watered down. These prices are used to calculate financial aid for fish producers for withdrawing surpluses from the market.

DANISH minister Henrik Dam Kristensen called for changes to the EU's import tariff arrangements which he believes distort competition in favour of third- country processing industries and at the expense of the EU.

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