Publisher | European Commission |
Publication Date | February 2019 |
Content Type | Overview, Policy-making |
Summary: Winter Package of the 2019 cycle of the European Semester, published by the European Commission on 27 February 2019. Further information: In this framework, the European Commission published a set of documents:
In its annual assessment of the economic and social situation in the Member States, the European Commission highlighted the need to promote investment, pursue responsible fiscal policies and implement well-designed reforms. The Winter Package is part of the annual cycle of economic policy coordination at EU level, the European Semester. It follows the publication of the Autumn Package, which launches the cycle. While the latter set the priorities for the year ahead at EU level, the Winter Package zooms in on the national dimension of the European Semester. It is based on the data published by the European Commission's Winter 2019 Economic Forecast and builds on the continuous dialogue between European Commission and Member States' authorities and stakeholders. The Country Reports provide the underpinning for the Member States to develop their national programmes. |
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Subject Categories | Economic and Financial Affairs |
Subject Tags | Economic Governance | Situation, European Semester, National Budgets |
International Organisations | European Union [EU] |