Author (Corporate) | Cardiff EDC (Compiler) |
Publication Date | June 2019 |
Content Type | Overview |
Summary: Reports, analyses and information on the electoral campaign and the aftermath of the European Parliament election held in Sweden on 26 May 2019. Further information: Sweden's ruling centre-left party, the Social Democrats (SD), won 23,48% of the vote. The Moderate Party followed in second spot, with 16,83%, ahead of the anti-immigration Sweden Democrats at 15,34%. Other parties that gained seat(s) in the European Parliament were the Greens (11,52%), the Centre Party (10,78%), the Christian Democrats (10,78%), the Left Party (6,80%) and the Liberals (4,13%). Right-wing populism, migration and climate were issues that were discussed ahead of the election. |
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Subject Categories | Politics and International Relations |
Subject Tags | European Parliament Elections |
Keywords | 2019 EP election |
Countries / Regions | Sweden |
International Organisations | European Union [EU] |