Author (Corporate) | Cardiff EDC (Compiler) |
Publication Date | 2019 |
Content Type | Overview |
Summary: Reports, analyses and information on the electoral campaign and the aftermath of the European Parliament election held in Denmark on 26 May 2019. Further information: The campaign for the European Parliament focused on issues like climate change and border controls. It was also affected by the campaign relating to an election for the national parliament, which was held a few days later. Pre-electoral polls suggested the Social Democrats would collected the most votes, followed by the Liberals (Venstre) and the far-right Danish People's Party (DF). However, the Liberals eventually ended up as a surprise winners of the election, with 23.5% of the votes. The Social Democrats were the second biggest party, with 21.5%. The biggest loser of the election was the DF, whose fell to 10.7% from over 26.5% in the previous election. |
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Subject Categories | Politics and International Relations |
Subject Tags | European Parliament Elections |
Keywords | 2019 EP election |
Countries / Regions | Denmark |
International Organisations | European Union [EU] |