2015 Annual Report EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date June 2016
Content Type

Established in 2007 by the European Commission and European Union Member States, the EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund (EU-AITF) aims to increase investment in infrastructure in Sub-Saharan Africa by blending long term loans from participating financiers with grant resources.
EU-AITF funding is available from two different envelopes:

+ The regional envelope promotes projects with a demonstrable regional impact.

+ The 'Sustainable Energy for All' SE4ALL envelope supports regional, national and local projects targeting SE4ALL objectives.2015 was a record year for the EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund (EU-AITF) with as much as 17 grant operations in sub-Saharan Africa approved, totaling EUR 139.9 million.

The 2015 Annual Report provides details on these grant operations and looks at some success stories and the numbers behind all 104 grants, totaling just over EUR 655 million, that have been approved since the Fund’s creation in 2007, in support of 77 different projects. More than half of all EU-AITF grants have already leveraged concrete investments, in projects worth EUR 8.9 billion, which is 19.5 times the volume of grant support.

The EU-AITF’s aim is to promote regional integration and inclusive growth through provision of access to modern and sustainable energy sources and the development of infrastructure in Sub-Saharan Africa, thereby contributing to economic development and poverty reduction. It does so by blending long term loans from participating finance institutions with grant resources from its donors, which are the European Commission and several European Union Member States. EIB participates in the Fund as a financier, is responsible for its financial management and hosts the Secretariat.

Source Link http://www.eib.org/infocentre/publications/all/eu-africa-infrastructure-trust-fund-annual-report-2015.htm
Related Links
EIB: Publications http://www.eib.europa.eu/infocentre/publications/index.htm
Website: EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund http://www.eu-africa-infrastructure-tf.net/

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