2005 European Barometer of Renewable Energies. 5th report

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2005
Content Type

The “European Barometer on renewable energies” provides an excellent
source of monitoring and follow-up of the European policies on renewable energies.

The European Barometer prepared by Observ’ER in the scope of “EurObserv’ER” Project which groups together Observ’ER, Eurec Agency, Erec, Eufores, Institut Jozef Stefan and Systèmes Solaires, with the participation of EC BREC.

Source Link http://www.energies-renouvelables.org/observ-er/stat_baro/barobilan/barobilan5.pdf
Related Links
European Commission: DG Energy and Transport: New and renewable energies http://ec.europa.eu/comm/energy/res/index_en.htm

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