13 May Tourism Council

Series Title
Series Details 16/05/96, Volume 2, Number 20
Publication Date 16/05/1996
Content Type

Date: 16/05/1996

MINISTERS agreed that cooperation between member states in the tourism sector needed to be strengthened, but they did not decide how to forge closer links. “Fruitful” discussions were held on the European Commission's draft multiannual action plan, Philoxenia, but this was only a preliminary debate and no decision was taken by ministers on whether to adopt the proposal. Coreper, the Union's Committee of permanent representatives, was asked to continue discussions with a view to reaching a decision at the next meeting of tourism ministers scheduled for 24 October. “We hope that Ireland (which is set to take over the EU presidency for six months beginning on 1 July) will be able to get the Council to adopt the new programme,” said Italian Minster Mario d'Addio.

THE Philoxenia programme would grant greater powers to the Commission to enable it to to inject “new dynamism” into the sector, and thus contribute to increased economic growth and employment. Europe has been steadily losing some of its share of the world tourism market, as farther-flung exotic countries become cheaper and easier to visit. Most in the industry believe that if Europe were to promote itself as a single holiday destination, rather than as 15 different ones, the Union might just claw back some of its lost business. But the Commission's tourism unit, its image tarnished by allegations of corruption, has little power and even less money.

SPEAKING after the meeting, Tourism Commissioner Christos Papoutsis said: “There is broad agreement that something needs to be done. We need to give a new boost to the tourist industry. Everybody realises that the tourist industry is a productive one, it creates new jobs.” Papoutsis is continuing to push hard to promote the role of the Union in the tourism industry and hopes, among other things, to have tourism written into the revised Maastricht Treaty at the Intergovernmental Conference. The idea is being discussed by the IGC negotiators, but has so far found little favour with EU governments.

PAPOUTSIS also presented a review of EU action in the tourism field, with reports on Union measures in favour of the sector and achievements under the 1993-1995 action programme. Acknowledging the validity of criticism of the plan, Papoutsis told ministers that the Commission had learnt from it and had defined more specific objectives and less numerous measures in the Philoxenia programme. Ministers did not take any firm position on the Commission's evaluation report, postponing a decision until their next meeting in October.

THE Council also discussed ways of giving “practical effect” to the Euro-Mediterranean partnership in the tourism field and adopted a resolution underlining the importance of closer cooperation between the Union and Mediterranean countries outside its borders, and stressing the need for action, particularly in the areas of information, training and promotion. Ministers asked the Commission to assess progress on the cooperation process which was initiated at last November's Euro-Med summit in Barcelona and, “if necessary”, to come forward with proposals for future action.

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