EU financial support for health systems in selected partner countries – Broad strategic objectives followed but interventions affected by coordination and sustainability issues

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details 18/2024, Number 18
Publication Date October 2024
ISBN 978-92-849-2815-6
ISSN 1977-5660
EC QJ-AB-24-017-EN-Q
Content Type


We audited the EU’s financial support for health systems in partner countries over three programming periods. We carried out a documentary analysis and we examined projects in Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo and Zimbabwe. We conclude that the Commission allocated funding according to its broad priorities. However, the methodology of allocation was affected by shortcomings. The effectiveness of projects was hampered by issues of coordination, sustainability and monitoring. The cascading structure of implementation increased the projects’ costs whilst the visibility of EU funding amongst targeted populations was limited. We issue recommendations on allocation and criteria of funding, coordination, reasonableness of management costs, synergies, monitoring, sustainability and maintenance of equipment delivered by projects.

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International Organisations