Resolution CM/Res(2023)3 establishing the Enlarged Partial Agreement on the Register of Damage Caused by the Aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine

Author (Corporate)
Series Details CM/Res(2023)3
Publication Date 12/05/2023
Content Type , ,


Resolution adopted by the Council of Europe on 12 May 2023, establishing an Enlarged Partial Agreement on the Register of Damage Caused by the Aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine (RD4U).

Further information:

The General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) adopted a Resolution on 14 November 2022 recognising the need for the establishment, in cooperation with Ukraine, of an international mechanism for reparation for damage, loss or injury arising from the acts of the Russian Federation in or against Ukraine and recommending the creation of an international register of damage to serve as a record of evidence and claims information on such damage, loss or injury.

That Register was established on 12 May 2023 by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe. The Register is to serve as a record, in documentary form, of evidence and claims information on damage, loss or injury caused to all natural and legal persons concerned, as well as to Ukraine, caused as from 24 February 2022 in the territory of Ukraine by the Russia's acts in or against Ukraine. The Register’s membership is open to both Council of Europe member and non-member States.

On 16 May, the European Union (EU) signed a Declaration in support of the Register and joined the Register as an Associate Member. The EU's Ukraine Facility  also included provisions for supporting and enforcing international justice in Ukraine. On 30 May 2024, the European Commission adopted a draft Decision changing the EU's status to Participant, which was adopted by the Council of the European Union on 22 July. As of this date, there are 43 countries participating in the Register, plus the EU and 26 of its Member States.

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Related Links
Commentary and Analysis
International Bar Association (IBA), 16/12/2022: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: UN adopts resolution calling for war reparations
Transparency International (Ukraine): Blog, 27/06/2023: International Register of Damage: one step closer to reparations
Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW): Commentary, 08/02/2024: Will Russia pay for the war? Efforts to create a compensation mechanism for Ukraine

Reuters, 14/11/2022: U.N. General Assembly calls for Russia to make reparations in Ukraine
Deutsche Welle, 17/05/2023: Council of Europe approves Register of Damage against Russia
Le Monde, 18/05/2023: Council of Europe creates a 'register of damage' for the war in Ukraine
Reuters, 02/04/2024: Ukraine invites citizens to register wartime damage
Associated Press (AP News), 02/04/2024: Ukrainians file online compensation claims as register opens of damage to homes caused by war

Official Website of the Register of Damage for Ukraine (RD4U)
Council of Europe: Human Rights & Rule of Law: Register of Damage for Ukraine
Ukrainian Embassy in the Netherlands: Register of Damage Caused by the Aggression of the Russian Federation Against Ukraine
United Nations: Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 14 November 2022. Furtherance of remedy and reparation for aggression against Ukraine
United Nations (UN): Press Release GA/12470, 14/11/2022: General Assembly Adopts Text Recommending Creation of Register to Document Damages Caused by Russian Federation Aggression against Ukraine, Resuming Emergency Special Session
Italian Government: Representation to the Council of Europe: News, 17/05/2023: Council of Europe Summit creates register of damage for Ukraine as first step towards an international compensation mechanism for victims of Russian aggression
EU EEAS: Delegation to the Council of Europe: news, 30/04/2024: The Register of Damage for Ukraine opens for claims at the Ministerial Conference “Restoring Justice for Ukraine” in the Hague (2 April)
European Commission: DG Neighbourhood Policy & Enlargement Negotiations: News, 22/07/2024: The European Union becomes a fully-fledged participant of the Register of Damage for Ukraine
EUR-LEX: OJ L Series: Council Decision (EU) 2024/2045 on the position to be taken on behalf of the Union within the Council of Europe bodies as regards the status of the European Union in the Enlarged Partial Agreement on the Register of Damage caused by the Aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine

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