The EU’s industrial policy on renewable hydrogen – Legal framework has been mostly adopted – time for a reality check

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details 11/2024, Number 11
Publication Date July 2024
ISBN 978-92-849-2451-6
ISSN 1977-5679
EC QJ-AB-24-012-EN-Q
Content Type


The Commission set the course for creating a renewable hydrogen market in its Hydrogen Strategy and REPowerEU plan, which included EU targets for hydrogen production and import. Renewable hydrogen is one way to decarbonise, especially for the hard‑to‑decarbonise sectors of industry. For the 2021‑2027 period, total EU funding for hydrogen‑related projects is currently estimated at €18.8 billion.

We conclude that the Commission was partially successful in creating the right conditions for the emerging hydrogen market and associated value chain. The legal framework has mostly been adopted, but a number of challenges remain. One of our main recommendations is that future strategic choices should be based on a reality check – making strategic choices going forward without creating new strategic dependencies.

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International Organisations