A future-proof network for the EU: Full fibre and 5G

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Series Title
Series Details PE 762.298
Publication Date April 2024
Content Type


Advanced digital network infrastructure and digital services will be key in shaping the competitiveness of many European Union (EU) sectors – among them manufacturing, energy and healthcare – in the near future. Furthermore, these infrastructure and services are at the core of the twin digital and green transition that seeks to leverage the synergies between technological advancements and environmental sustainability. It is therefore necessary to ensure that the EU's networks are up to the task, including in terms of transmission speed. Having high-performing fixed and mobile networks with a higher transmission speed can have a positive effect on economic development as well, by boosting the gross domestic product. In its Digital Decade strategy, the European Commission put forward its vision for new strategic connectivity targets for 2030, such as preparing the EU for the roll-out of the next generation of broadband infrastructure with gigabit speeds.

This briefing aims to provide an overview of full fibre and 5G mobile networks as part of the EU's Digital Decade goal to accelerate deployment and investment in future-proof infrastructures. In this context, it discusses the current state of full fibre and 5G mobile technology in the EU, including the challenges of attracting private investment, and explores new business models for network deployment. With 7 years left to reach the 2030 connectivity targets, it is paramount to understand where the EU stands in terms of future-proof network deployment, address the challenges and identify the opportunities that would help the EU telecom sector to thrive.

Source Link https://www.europarl.europa.eu/thinktank/en/document/EPRS_BRI(2024)762298
Alternative sources
  • https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2024/762298/EPRS_BRI(2024)762298_EN.pdf
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