How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs?

Awdur (Corfforaethol)
Manylion y Gyfres COM (2024) 81
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi 21/02/2024
Math o Gynnwys


White Paper adopted by the European Commission on 21 February 2024, analysing the challenges facing the European Union (EU) in the rollout of future connectivity networks and presenting potential scenarios.

Further information:

Secure and digital infrastructures are one the cardinal points of the EU's Digital Decade Policy Programme 2030 and one of the main priorities of Von der Leyen's European Commission. This was also picked up by citizens in the context of the Conference on the Future of Europe. This White Paper identifies challenges and discusses possible scenarios for public policy actions to attract investment, foster innovation, increase security, and further strengthen the EU's Digital Single Market (DSM).

This Communication serves as basis for a consultation among various stakeholders, including Member States, civil society, industry, and academics. It outlines scenarios and seeks input to inform future proposals by the European Commission in the domain of digital infrastructure. It was published on 21 February 2024 as part of a so-called Connectivity Package.

Dolen Ffynhonnell
Dolenni Cysylltiedig
European Commission: Press Release, 21/02/2024: Commission presents new initiatives for digital infrastructures of tomorrow
European Commission: Questions & Answers: Connectivity package (21 February 2024)

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