Climate Change

Author (Corporate) ,
Series Title
Series Details Number 538
Publication Date July 2023
ISBN 978-92-68-05355-3
EC ML-03-23-358-EN-N
Content Type ,


More than three quarters (77%) of EU citizens think climate change is a very serious problem at this moment. A majority of Europeans think that the European Union (56%), national governments (56%), business and industry (53%) are responsible for tackling climate change. 35% hold themselves personally responsible. More than eight in ten respondents think that it is important that their national government (86%) and the European Union (85%) take action to improve energy efficiency by 2030 (e.g. by encouraging people to insulate their home, install solar panels or buy electric cars). 58% of EU citizens think the use of renewable energy sources should be accelerated, energy efficiency increased, and the transition to a green economy sped up, Considering energy price spikes and restrictions on gas supply due to the actions of Russia.

Further information:

ThisĀ Special Eurobarometer carries on a series focusing on Europeans' attitudes to climate change. The previous one was published in July 2021.

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European Commission: Press Release, 20/07/2023: Eurobarometer: Majority of Europeans consider that the green transition should go faster

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International Organisations