Staff Working Document on Common European Data Spaces

Awdur (Corfforaethol)
Manylion y Gyfres SWD (2022) 45
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi 23/02/2022
Math o Gynnwys


Report published by the European Commission on 23 February 2022, providing overview of the state of play of the common data spaces developed in various fields across the European Union (EU).

Further information:

The 2020 European Strategy for Data announced that in order to speed up the development of the European economy and to harness the value of data for the benefit of the European society, the European Commission would invest in common European data spaces in strategic economic sectors and domains of public interest. The strategy indicated that it would initially support ten data spaces, however, additional data spaces could follow in order to ultimately create a European data space – a genuine single market for data

This document aims to provide an overview of the common European data spaces that are being developed in various sectors or domains in response to the European strategy for data. First, it presents relevant horizontal aspects, ranging from the concept of common European data spaces (Section 2), through data governance aspects and legislative measures (Section 3), to necessary data IT infrastructures, including EU support programmes for funding in this field (Section 4).

Second, it describes the current state of play of the ten sectoral common European data spaces that were announced in the European strategy for data as well as of a common European data space in the media sector – announced in December 2020, and for cultural heritage – announced in November 2021 (Section 6), while recognising that in other sectors, such as tourism and construction, important work for the development of a common European data space is also ongoing (Section 5).

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