European Protection Order Directive 2011/99/EU. European Implementation Assessment

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details September 2017
Publication Date September 2017
ISBN 978-92-846--1661-9
Content Type

Please note: Each EPRS Study is assigned a DOI (digital object identifier), which is a safe and long term way of ensuring a hyperlink to the full text of this report. However, when ESO creates this record, on occasion the DOI still has not been activated by the EU Bookshop. If you find the source url hyperlink does not work please use the alternative location hyperlink listed as a related url.Directive 2011/99/EU on the European Protection Order establishes a mechanism for the mutual recognition of protection measures for victims of crime. This study examines the implementation of the Directive and analyses the practices of the Member States in this area. It identifies specific challenges and deficiencies that help to explain why this EU instrument is very rarely used.

The assessment has been produced to support the implementation report being prepared on the subject by the European Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs and the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality.

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European Parliament: European Parliamentary Research Service: Study, September 2017: European Protection Order Directive 2011/99/EU. European Implementation Assessment

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