International adjudication as a mode of EU external governance? The WTO Seal Case

Author (Person) ,
Series Title
Series Details Vol.55, No.3, May 2017, p535–550
Publication Date May 2017
ISSN 0021-9886
Content Type


The literature on EU external governance has greatly advanced our understanding of rule transfers beyond Europe's borders. Contributions highlight different modes of such EU external governance.

This contribution proposes to add international adjudication as another form of EU external governance. Acknowledging the important role of judicial decision-making in shaping the international order, this article uses the example of WTO adjudication to add to existing conceptualizations of EU external governance.

In our view, WTO dispute settlement offers possibilities for the EU to transfer EU norms to the international level and beyond its own borders. As we illustrate through an exploratory case study of the recent WTO seal dispute, the EU's internal setup matters greatly for its success.

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Countries / Regions