Report from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Central Bank and the European Economic and Social Committee. Alert mechanism report 2017 (prepared in accordance with Articles 3 and 4 of Regulations (EU) No 1176/2011 on the prevention and correction of macroeconomic imbalances)

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details (2016) 728 final (16.11.16)
Publication Date 16/11/2016
Content Type ,

This report initiates the sixth annual round of the macroeconomic imbalance procedure (MIP). The procedure aims to identify imbalances that hinder the smooth functioning of Member State economies and to spur appropriate policy responses. The implementation of the MIP is embedded in the European semester of economic policy coordination so as to ensure consistency with the analyses and recommendations made under other economic surveillance tools. The annual growth survey (AGS), which is adopted at the same time as this report, takes stock of the economic and social situation in Europe and sets out broad policy priorities for the EU as a whole for the coming year.

The report identifies Member States for which in-depth reviews (IDRs) should be undertaken to assess whether they are affected by imbalances in need of policy action. The alert mechanism report is a screening device for economic imbalances, published at the start of each annual cycle of economic policy coordination. In particular, it is based on an economic reading of a scoreboard of indicators with indicative thresholds, alongside a set of auxiliary indicators.

The alert mechanism report (AMR) emphasises euro area considerations. In line with the 21 October 2015 Commission Communication on steps towards completing Economic and Monetary Union, the AMR also aims at a systematic analysis of the euro area wide implications of countriesʼ imbalances and it examines how such implications require a coordinated approach to policy responses.

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Related Links
ESO: Background information: Launch of the 2017 European Semester
EUR-Lex: SWD(2016)354: Statistical annex

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Countries / Regions