Author (Corporate) | United Kingdom: House of Lords: Select Committee on the European Union |
Publisher | The Stationery Office (TSO) |
Series Title | 10th Report |
Series Details | (2016-17)HL82 |
Publication Date | 14/12/2016 |
Content Type | Policy-making, Report |
Key findings There was much talk before the referendum that these rights would somehow be protected as 'acquired rights'. This was misleading. If the UK wants to preserve certain EU rights on withdrawal, it will have to ensure they are safeguarded in the withdrawal agreement. The majority of the safeguarded rights are likely to be reciprocal with EU rights. The report recommends that a mechanism be established to ensure that UK law can take account of relevant developments in EU law, and, importantly, that EU law can take account of relevant developments in UK law. The report points to a precedent for this type of judicial cooperation. + If EU citizenship rights are not safeguarded the consequences will be severe: EU nationals in the UK and UK nationals in other EU Member States could lose their right to live and work in their country of choice. The Sub-Committee received evidence suggesting that many EU nationals who have been in the UK for over five years - the minimum requirement for permanent resident under EU citizenship rules - may not be able to prove that they meet the criteria for permanent residence as an EU citizen. The report asks the Government to explain whether this consideration will influence the decision it makes on the cut-off point for deciding which EU nationals in the UK are given a permanent right to reside after Brexit. The report was one of six published by sub-committees of the EU Select Committee during December 2016 looking at various aspects of the Brexit discussion. |
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Subject Categories | Internal Markets, Politics and International Relations |
Countries / Regions | United Kingdom |