Carbon Footprint Report 2015

Awdur (Corfforaethol)
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi July 2016
Math o Gynnwys

As the world largest financer of climate change mitigation and adaptation the EIB Group is committed to Climate Action and protecting the environment. The EIB applies strict environmental and social guidelines to its business activities and lead by example by measuring, managing and reducing its own GHG emissions resulting from its internal operations.

The EIB have been measuring and managing its GHG emissions since 2007. The carbon footprint report provides details of not only how and what it measures, but the actions it takes to further reduce its emissions resulting from its own internal operations.

Even with a record year of financing and 14% increase in staff numbers we have managed to keep our per staff emissions in check and continue to meet our emissions target to reduce our emissions by 20-30% by 2020.

We continue to review and where appropriate, revise the scope of our Carbon Footprint exercise.
We encourage staff to use public or clean transport and consider alternatives to business travel, such as tele/video conferencing whenever compatible with business interests.

We constantly look to reduce levels of energy consumption in our buildings and actively pursue better waste management practices.

We promote sustainable behavior by engaging with staff and suppliers.

We compensate those emissions that we cannot avoid.
Compensating our residual carbon footprint

Since 2014, we use a REDD+ project that has enabled us to compensate our 2013 and 2014 residual emissions resulting from our own operations. We chose the Wildlife Work REDD+ project in the Kasigau corridor in Kenya as it reflects our objectives and complements our corporate responsibility ambitions. This project is the world’s first project to be validated and verified under the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) and the Climate, Community and Biodiversity Standard (CCB). This will be the third year that we support this project to compensate our residual emissions.

We will compensate our 2015 residual carbon footprint through the same project.

Dolen Ffynhonnell
Dolenni Cysylltiedig
EIB: Publications
EIB: Sustainability Report 2015

Categorïau Pwnc ,
Gwledydd / Rhanbarthau