‘Total Assets’ versus ‘Risk Weighted Assets’: Does it Matter for MREL Requirements?

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details July 2016
Publication Date July 2016
ISBN 978-92-823-9322-2
Content Type

Please note: Each In-Depth Analysis is assigned a DOI (digital object identifier), which is a safe and long term way of ensuring a hyperlink to the full text of this report. However, when ESO creates this record, on occasion the DOI still has not been activated by the EU Bookshop. If you find the source url hyperlink does not work please use the alternative location hyperlink listed as a related url.Using a comprehensive sample of European banks by business model, ownership structure and systemic footprint, we calculate MREL requirements based on three hypotheses:

i) 18% of RWA
ii) 6.75% of LRE
iii) EBA- RTS.

The maximum of i) and ii) TLAC prescription – reveals different requirements across business models/ownership structures not in favour of traditional banking. Variations are reduced somewhat with EBA RTS and an 8% floor. Shocking banks in respect of tail risk events suggests that currently envisaged MREL levels might be insufficient for a smooth resolution for banks.

External author: Rym Ayadi and Giovanni Ferri

Source Link http://dx.publications.europa.eu/10.2861/970351
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European Parliament: Directorate-General for Internal Policies of the Union: Publications available via the EU Bookshop http://bookshop.europa.eu/en/directorate-general-for-internal-policies-of-the-union-cbf.cKABstF7wAAAEjwYYY4e5K/
European Parliament: European Parliamentary Research Service: In-Depth Analysis, July 2016: 'Total Assets' versus 'Risk Weighted Assets': Does it Matter for MREL Requirements? http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/IDAN/2016/574412/IPOL_IDA(2016)574412_EN.pdf
European Parliament: European Parliamentary Research Service: In-Depth Analysis, July 2016: 'Total Assets' versus 'Risk Weighted Assets': Does it Matter for MREL Requirements? (Separate paper by Martin Hellwig) http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/IDAN/2016/574413/IPOL_IDA(2016)574413_EN.pdf
European Parliament: European Parliamentary Research Service: In-Depth Analysis, July 2016: 'Total Assets' versus 'Risk Weighted Assets': Does it Matter for MREL Requirements? (Separate paper by Bennet Berger, Pia Hüttl and Silvia Merler) http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/IDAN/2016/574414/IPOL_IDA(2016)574414_EN.pdf
European Parliament: European Parliamentary Research Service: In-Depth Analysis, July 2016: 'Total Assets' versus 'Risk Weighted Assets': Does it Matter for MREL Requirements? (Separate paper by Willem Pieter de Groen) http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/IDAN/2016/574415/IPOL_IDA(2016)574415_EN.pdf
EP: EPRS: At a Glance, July 2016: Risk Weighted Assets versus Total Assets: Does it matter for MREL requirements? http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/ATAG/2016/574431/IPOL_ATA(2016)574431_EN.pdf

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