Communication: Consultation on the fishing opportunities for 2017 under the Common Fisheries Policy

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details (2016) 396 final (15.6.16)
Publication Date 15/06/2016
Content Type ,

This Communication sets out the principles for the Commission proposals for fishing opportunities for 2017. Member States, Advisory Councils, stakeholders and the public are invited to provide suggestions on these policy orientations by 1 September 2016. This Communication also contains the annual report on implementation of the landing obligation, progress on achieving MSY and the situation of fish stocks.

Fishing opportunities for 2017 will be fixed under the 2014 CFP objectives and based on the best available scientific advice. Under the CFP, the fishing pressure on stocks concerned should be aligned as soon as possible, and by 2020 at the latest, to the objective of maximum sustainable yield (MSY) under Article 2.2 of the CFP. Where no scientific advice is available, the Commission will apply the precautionary approach in line with the CFP objectives.

This Communication is set against the background of the agreement reached by the co-legislators in 2016 on a multiannual plan for stocks in the Baltic Sea. This plan will form the basis for the TAC proposals for the stocks concerned. For the Mediterrean, although fishing opportunities are not fixed at EU level through TAC, overfishing remains prevalent. The Commission considers that urgent actions are needed to reverse this situation.

An additional element to be considered is the introduction of the landing obligation, in the Baltic and in the pelagic fisheries (2015), and gradually in specific demersal fisheries in the Atlantic and North Sea basin (2016). In 2017 more fisheries will be covered in the latter sea basins, as well as demersal fleets in the Mediterranean and Black Sea basins.

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EUR-Lex: SWD(2016)199: Commission Staff Working Document accompanying the report

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