Series Title | EurActiv |
Series Details | 24.05.16 |
Publication Date | 24/05/2016 |
Content Type | News |
German chancellor Angela Merkel met with Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on 23 May 2016 and expressed her 'deep concern' over the state of democracy in Turkey. Ms Merkel showed her doubts over whether a plan to liberalise the European Union's visa policy towards Turkey would be implemented on time. Mr Erdogan later warned that Turkish parliament would be unable to pass legislation to stem the flow of refugees to Europe if the country was not granted its demand of visa-free travel. This meeting followed a series of events which put into doubt Mr Erdogan's commitment with democracy and freedom of expression, in the context of a constitutional reform under way in Turkey. These events took place as the country negotiated with the EU a visa liberalisation agreement, which was tied in with the country's EU membership aspirations and the migration agreement designed to contain the inflow of refugees and migrants into Europe. |
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Countries / Regions | Europe, Germany, Turkey |