Author (Corporate) | European Council |
Series Title | Meeting |
Series Details | 11-12.11.15 |
Publication Date | 11/11/2015 |
Content Type | News, Policy-making |
Agenda highlights The summit will address the challenges but also the opportunities of migration. It will also recognise that migration is a shared responsibility of countries of origin, transit and destination. Discussions among participants will focus on five specific areas: + addressing the root causes by working to help create peace, stability and economic development Connected to this meeting but formally separate, European Council President Donald Tusk convened an informal meeting of heads of state or government on 12 November 2015 to discuss the latest developments in the migration crisis. This meeting will take place just after the Valletta Summit on migration. The primary focus will be to assess the implementation of the measures agreed in September and October 2015, including: + stepping up cooperation with third countries, including Turkey EU heads of state or government will also set further orientations if needed. The 11-12 November 2015 conference built on existing cooperation processes between Europe and Africa, particularly the Rabat and Khartoum processes on migration, and the EU-Africa Dialogue on Migration and Mobility. It recognised that migration is a shared responsibility of countries of origin, transit and destination. EU and Africa worked in a spirit of partnership to find common solutions to challenges of mutual interest. Leaders participating to the summit adopted a political declaration and an action plan designed to: + address the root causes of irregular migration and forced displacement Ministers also agreed a list of 16 concrete actions to be implemented by the end of 2016. The existing mechanisms of the Rabat Process, the Khartoum Process and of the Joint EU-Africa strategy would be used to monitor the implementation of the action plan. Emergency Trust Fund for Africa It would provide additional funding to support the implementation of the action plan. Connected to this meeting but formally separate, European Council President Donald Tusk convened an informal meeting of heads of state or government on 12 November 2015 to discuss the latest developments in the migration crisis. This meeting took place just after the Valletta Summit on migration. EU leaders discussed the latest developments in the migration crisis and how to accelerate the implementation of the measures agreed in September and October 2015: + stepping up cooperation with third countries, including Turkey President Tusk warned that the future of Schengen was at stake. He repeated the need for the EU to regain the control of its external borders and to effectively proceed to the registration of migrants: 'It must be clear that without registration there will be no rights', said President Tusk. EU leaders particularly focused their discussions on cooperation with Turkey. President Tusk announced a possible EU-Turkey summit to be organised as soon as possible (probably before the end of 2015) |
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Subject Categories | Justice and Home Affairs, Politics and International Relations |
Countries / Regions | Africa, Eastern Europe, Europe |