Press Release: MEPs give go-ahead to relocate an additional 120,000 asylum seekers in the EU

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details 17.09.15
Publication Date 17/09/2015
Content Type

The European Parliament held a debate in plenary on 16 September 2015 regarding the outcome of the Home and Affairs Council on 14 September, which failed to reach an agreement on the relocation of refugees across the European Union.

Members of the parliament strongly criticised the lack of agreement on relocating asylum seekers. They called on member states to stand together, take urgent action to tackle the current crisis, and build a European asylum and migration system that will work in the long term.

Due to the existence of an agreement 'in principle' on the recolation of 120,000 refugees from Greece, Hungary and Italy, the European Parliament backed the European Commission's proposal without amending it through its urgency procedure on 17 September.

The EP also informed the Council of the European Union that this approval is without prejudice to the position it would subsequently take on the proposal establishing a permanent crisis relocation mechanism, on which Parliament will co-decide on an equal footing with the member states. A meeting of the Home and Affairs Council was scheduled to take place on 22 September.

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Related Links
ESO: Background information: Merkel calls for summit on refugee crisis
ESO: Background information: Justice and Home Affairs Council, Brussels, 14 September 2015
EUObserver, 17.09.15: Hungarian police clash with refugees on Serb border
European Commission: DG Communicatio: RAPID: STATEMENT/15/5664, 17.09.15: European Commission Statement following the vote of the European Parliament in favour of an emergency relocation mechanism for a further 120,000 refugees
EurActiv, 17.09.15: Commission ready to drop mandatory quotas for refugees
ESO: Information Guide: European Migration Challenges

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