The Future of Cohesion Policy – Report I / Report II

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2015
ISBN 978-92-895-0830-8
EC QG-01-15-508-EN-N
Content Type

The report Future of cohesion policy examines the main issues of debate around the EU cohesion policy in order to set up the political framework of discussion.

Methodologically, this first report is based on an analysis of past debates, predominantly in regional EU fora. Desk-based research was supplemented by thematic discussions with other EU institutions, experts and key stakeholders in the scope of a seminar. Furthermore this study series on the Future of cohesion policy should provide a new impetus to the work of the Committee of the Regions and its members in the policy debates on the efficiency and effectiveness of Cohesion Policy from the perspective of local and regional authorities as well as the main topic of the research: The Cohesion Policy beyond 2020.

Hence and following the order form the main work is divided into two reports:

 Report 1– should outline trends and major aspects of effectiveness, efficiency and governance related to Cohesion Policy from the perspective of local and regional authorities.
 Report 2– presents models and ideas for the future of Cohesion Policy.

Report 1 is divided into two parts. Part one covers the gaps, trends and challenges with its impact at regional level. Part two is about the effectiveness, efficiency and governance of Cohesion Policy at regional and local level.

Report 2: The Report offers ideas on how to shape the forthcoming period of Community support beyond the year 2020. The analysis builds on Report 1, which reflected on the challenges and developments at the local and regional level, focusing mainly on the efficiency and effectiveness of implementing Cohesion Policy (CP). Report 2 looks at concepts and models of CP (mainly its territorial dimension) and points out the main current challenges that are most likely to shape the future economic, social and territorial structures.

This offers ideas on the future of CP. It is structured around two main parts, the first on models of growth, cohesion and well-being, and the second on new ideas and choices for EU CP. Thus projections and assumptions – in particular in the third section of the Report – are of a long-term nature. The Report largely builds on an extensive desk research including a comparative literature review as well as relevant analyses and reports carried out by the authors of this paper.

In addition, the analysis is fed by the results of an online survey carried out with stakeholders who took part in the seminars on the future of CP. Finally, independent interviews were carried out with relevant stakeholders with deep insight and considerable experience in the field of CP

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CoR: Studies: The Future of Cohesion Policy - Report I
CoR: Studies: The Future of Cohesion Policy - Report II

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Countries / Regions