Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on the evaluation of the Union’s finances based on the results achieved

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details (2015) 313 final (26.6.15)
Publication Date 26/06/2015
Content Type ,

Article 318 TFEU requires the Commission to submit to the European Parliament and the Council an annual evaluation report on the Union's finances based on the results achieved ('Article 318 Report'), as part of the annual discharge procedure on the implementation of the EU budget. It allows the European Parliament to examine performance of the EU budget in addition to the issues of compliance, legality and regularity of budget implementation. The latter aspects are addressed in the Synthesis Report of the Commission's management achievements.

Around 80 per cent of the EU budget is operated through shared management between the Commission and Member States, while 20 per cent is under direct management by the Commission. Member States are required to cooperate with the Commission in the implementation of the programmes, and in evaluating and reporting on them. The Commission is responsible to Parliament and Council for the implementation of the EU budget for which Parliament shall, on a recommendation from the Council, give a discharge to the Commission.

This Report follows up on requests by the Parliament, the Council and the Court of Auditors to focus reporting more on the contribution of the budget to Europe 2020 and on the EU added value of the budget.

The Report includes a summary account on progress towards Europe 2020 targets. A key example of this is how funds were mobilised in response to the 2012 initiative of Heads of State to give an additional boost to meeting Europe 2020 targets through the "Compact for Growth and Jobs". The "Compact" finances initiatives to counter the economic recession. Results achieved through one of these initiatives, the Project Bond Initiative, have become available in 2014.

The Report also includes examples of the added value created by the EU budget and is accompanied by a Staff Working Document (SWD1) dedicated to the efficiency and effectiveness of EU interventions and the synergies they create contributing to EU added-value.

Finally, as in its previous edition, another Staff Working Document (SWD2) is added outlining how the Commission has implemented the 2013 Action Plan for the Development of the Article 318 Evaluation Report.

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Related Links
EUR-Lex: COM(2015)313: Follow the progress of this report through the decision-making procedure
EUR-Lex: SWD(2015)124: Examples of EU added value
EUR-Lex: SWD(2015)125: Stock-taking on the action plan for the development of the Article 318 evaluation report

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