Author (Corporate) | European Commission: DG Economic and Financial Affairs |
Series Title | ECFIN Economic Brief |
Series Details | No.21, April 2013 |
Publication Date | April 2013 |
ISSN | 1831-4473 |
EC | KC-AY-13-021-EN-N |
Content Type | Journal | Series | Blog |
This note provides a brief overview of the work carried out under the auspices of DG ECFIN's fellowship initiative. While the economic policy agenda in Europe is currently dominated by lagging activity reflecting public and private balance-sheet problems and still impaired transmission of monetary policy, the quest for growth and competitiveness is a longer term issue that clearly deserves renewed attention. This note provides a brief overview of the work carried out carried out under the auspices of DG ECFIN's Fellowship Initiative 2012-13 on the theme of "Economic Growth perspectives for Europe" which should help to map out a new growth narrative for and across Europe over the medium-term. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
Countries / Regions | Europe |