Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. Beyond 2015: towards a comprehensive and integrated approach to financing poverty eradication and sustainable development

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details (2013) 531 final (16.7.13)
Publication Date 16/07/2013
Content Type ,

In the next two years, all partners should prioritise decisive action to accelerate progress towards the Millennium Development Goals. To that end, as we approach the UN special event on MDGs in September 2013, the EU and its Member States need to step up their efforts to meet current commitments, including increased and more effective financing to support developing countries, as outlined in the Commission Communication "An Agenda for Change". The actions of the EU and its Member States are analysed in the annexed 2013 EU Accountability Report.

In parallel, the global conversation on the wider agenda beyond 2015 has started through various processes. The Commission Communication "A Decent life for all: Ending poverty and giving the world a sustainable future", endorsed by the Council, focussed on the "what", outlining a vision for post 2015 that addresses poverty reduction and sustainable development in an overarching framework.

The Communication on the 2015 International Climate Change Agreement raises a number of important issues related to climate finance beyond 2020. Following the Communication "Improving EU support to developing countries in mobilising Financing for Development" and the subsequent Council Conclusions, both include taking a comprehensive approach to all financing sources and an integrated approach to the various processes addressing the same sources.

The present Communication focuses on the financing part of the "how" of the post 2015 framework. It sets out to develop a common EU approach to financing issues in the international discussions – how a global approach could be structured, what resources are available and could be mobilised, which processes can lead there and what principles should guide the work.

At this stage, the EU should remain open to dialogue with partners, and the Communication does not propose new actions or commitments for the EU. These could be taken later in the context of a global agreement on a spectrum of commitments that reflects the changing needs and capabilities of various international partners beyond 2015.

The Communication emphasises financing for developing countries, but the proposed approach can be considered universally applicable. The central tenet holds for all countries – the range of financing sources is the same for all policy goals and needs to be used in a way that brings best results.

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Related Links
EUR-Lex: COM(2013)531: Follow the progress of this communication through the decision-making procedure
EUR-Lex: SWD(2013)273: EU accountability report 2013 on financing for development - Review of progress by the EU and its Member States
ESO: Background information: EU seeks focus on environment in the post-MDG debate
ESO: Background information: Brussels proposes pooling world development aid funding

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