Press Release: Environment: European Commission takes Portugal back to Court for inadequate waste water treatment, asks for fines

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/14/1142 (16.10.14)
Publication Date 16/10/2014
Content Type

On the 16 October 2014 the European Commission referred Portugal back to the European Court of Justice for poor implementation of the EU Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive. In 2009, the Court ruled that Portugal was failing in its obligation to collect, treat and dispose of urban waste water in an adequate manner. 7 agglomerations across the country with populations of more than 15 000 lacked the necessary collection systems and 15 lacked adequate treatment systems. Five years after the Court's ruling, two agglomerations still failed to comply with EU standards and the situation was likely to persist for several years, which meant that the health of citizens was at risk. The Commission was asking for a lump sum fine of EUR 4 458 828 and a daily penalty payment of EUR 20 196 until the obligations were fulfilled.

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Related Links
European Commission: RAPID: MEMO/14/589: October infringements package: main decisions
ESO: Background information: Commission takes Portugal to Court over waste water treatment

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