2014-2019: What Next for EU Healthcare (Special reports)

Series Title
Series Details October 2014
Publication Date October 2014
Content Type

Special reports published by EurActiv in October 2014.

+ Health community debates impact of EU elections
Policymakers, health organisations and industry were set to discuss what the EU election year meant for public health at the 17th annual European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG) in Austria, which kicked off on 1 October 2014.

+ Four 'holy grail' objectives for future public health
Many EU governments have made deep cuts to healthcare spending during the financial crisis. But changing demographics mean drastic change is around the corner, with four challenging objectives.

+ EU punching below its weight on global health issues
The Ebola crisis and immunisation campaigns in Africa have demonstrated the EU's added value in addressing global health issues. But there is still potential to improve if EU countries were less "suspicious" of each other, health experts say.

+ The Internet is causing more problems for health literacy
While policymakers, doctors and other health campaigners want to educate the public to take care of its health, the Internet is making the task ever more difficult.

+ Well-performing health systems make Europe 'politically stable'
Improving health system performance has been on the political agenda in all member states over the past couple of years. This is crucial, because health systems are at the heart of the EU's social model, the Commission says.

Source Link http://www.euractiv.com/sections/2014-2019-what-next-eu-healthcare
Related Links
EurActiv, 01.10.14: Health community debates impact of EU elections http://www.euractiv.com/sections/2014-2019-what-next-eu-healthcare/eu-health-community-gathers-austria-debate-elections
EurActiv, 04.09.14: More powers for Brussels could narrow EU's health gap, says Borg http://www.euractiv.com/sections/health-consumers/more-powers-brussels-could-narrow-eus-health-gap-says-borg-308220
EurActiv, 02.10.14: Four 'holy grail' objectives for future public health http://www.euractiv.com/sections/2014-2019-what-next-eu-healthcare/four-holy-grail-objectives-future-public-health-308859
EurActiv, 03.10.14: EU punching below its weight on global health issues http://www.euractiv.com/sections/2014-2019-what-next-eu-healthcare/eu-punching-below-its-weight-global-health-issues-308876
EurActiv, 06.10.14: The Internet is causing more problems for health literacy http://www.euractiv.com/sections/2014-2019-what-next-eu-healthcare/internet-causing-more-problems-health-literacy-308912
EurActiv, 07.10.14: Well-performing health systems make Europe 'politically stable' http://www.euractiv.com/sections/2014-2019-what-next-eu-healthcare/well-performing-health-systems-make-europe-politically
Blog: Ideas on Europe: Health Governance in Europe, 06.10.14: Regulating health for a democratic, transparent and accountable European Union http://healthgovernance.ideasoneurope.eu/2014/10/06/regulating-health-democratic-transparent-accountable-european-union/
ESO: Background information: Website: European Health Forum - Gastein (EHFG) http://www.europeansources.info/record/website-european-health-forum-gastein-ehfg/

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