Ageing and Employment Policies: France 2014: Working Better with Age

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Publication Date June 2014
ISBN 978-92-64-20751-6 (print)
ISSN 1990-1011 (online) / 1990-102X (print)
Content Type

People today are living longer than ever before, while birth rates are dropping in the majority of OECD countries. In such demographics, public social expenditures require to be adequate and sustainable in the long term. Older workers play a crucial role in the labour market.

Now that legal retirement ages are rising, older workers will work longer and employers will have to retain them. But those older workers who have lost their job have experienced long term-unemployment and low probabilities to return to work. What can countries do to help? How can they give older people better work incentives and opportunities? How can they promote age diversity in firms?


+ Acronyms and abbreviations

+ Executive summary

+ Assessment and recommendations

+ Chapter 1. The ‘live longer, work longer’ challenge for France
-The magnitude of the demographic challenge
-Recent reforms in the employment area to cope with ageing

+ Chapter 2. The labour market situation for older workers in France
-How France compares internationally
-Transitions in France between 2004 and 2011
-Key findings

+ Chapter 3. Strengthening incentives to continue working in France
-The transition from employment to retirement
-Disability pension
-Early retirement
-Key findings

+ Chapter 4. Removing obstacles to the hiring and retention of older workers in France
-An overview of the jobs held by older workers
-Age stereotypes and discrimination
-Wages and productivity
-Employment protection
-Key findings

+ Chapter 5. Improving the employability of older workers in France
-Workers’ skills
-Employment services
-Conditions and organisation of work
-Key findings

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Website: OECD iLibrary

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