Press Release: Environment: 80 per cent of Europeans want their country to waste less

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/14/750 (30.06.14)
Publication Date 30/06/2014
Content Type

According to a new survey published on the 30 June 2014, most European citizens think their own country is generating too much waste. The survey on the "Attitudes of Europeans towards Waste Management and Resource Efficiency" indicates that 96 % of respondents say it is important for them that Europe uses its resources more efficiently: 68 % say this is very important for them, and just 3 % of respondents say this issue is not important.

Across the EU, nine out of ten respondents now sort paper/cardboard/beverage cartons (90 %), plastics (90%) and glass (88 %), at least occasionally, while three quarters sort household hazardous waste (79 %), metal cans (78 %), electrical waste (76 %) and kitchen waste (74 %). There are, however, major differences between Member States.

This survey was carried out by TNS Political & Social network in the 28 Member States of the European Union between 3 and 7 December 2013.

Source Link
Related Links
European Commission: DG Environment: Moving towards a circular economy
European Commission: DG Environment: Waste
ESO: Background information: Environment: It's the Ecology, Stupid
EurActiv, 19.3.2014: Towards a Resource Efficient Europe (Special reports)

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