Press Release: New European film strategy aims to boost cultural diversity and competitiveness in digital era

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/14/560 (15.05.14)
Publication Date 15/05/2014
Content Type

European films represent nearly two thirds of releases in the EU but account for only one third of ticket sales. While the number of films produced in Europe increased from around 1100 in 2008 to 1300 in 2012, most European films are shown only in the country where they were made and are rarely distributed across borders.

A new EU strategy on 'European film in the digital era', launched by the European Commission on 15 May 20144, seeks to address this challenge by highlighting the need to make the most of new methods of distribution to enhance cultural diversity and competitiveness.

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Related Links
ESO: Background information: Bosnian film director Tanović to receive EU 'Prix MEDIA' at Cannes
ESO: Background information: Communication From The Commission To The European Parliament, The Council, The European Economic And Social Committee And The Committee Of The Regions European film in the digital era Bridging cultural diversity and competitiveness

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