Euro area quarterly financial accounts – 2013 quality report

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2014
ISBN 978-92-899-1300-3
ISSN 2363-0191
EC QB-AV-14-001-EN-N
Content Type ,

This annual quality report is required by Article 7 of the ECB Guideline on reporting requirements in the field of quarterly financial accounts. It follows the basic principles of the ECB Statistics Quality Framework (SQF)2 and includes a quantitative analysis of revisions and national accounting consistency.

The integration of the quarterly financial accounts with the quarterly non-financial sector accounts in the euro area accounts allows an exhaustive analysis of all sectors of the euro area economy.

In particular, no alternative comprehensive and timely data sources exist for the household and non-financial corporation sectors. The ECB publishes the complete euro area accounts and a core set of commonly available national quarterly financial accounts data, uses the euro area accounts for detailed internal briefings, publishes a press release on euro area accounts, and describes financial and non-financial developments as observed in the euro area accounts in a regular 'box' in its Monthly Bulletin.

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Related Links
ECB: Statistics: Euro area accounts

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