Press Release: Ebola in West Africa: EU increases its immediate health assistance to €1.1 million

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/14/426 (11.04.14)
Publication Date 11/04/2014
Content Type

On 11 April 2014, the European Union stepped up its efforts to contain the spread of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa and assist those affected by the deadly virus. The Commission increased its funding for immediate health operations, experts and risk assessments to €1.1 million, and is contributing with medical equipment to help accelerate diagnosis.

These new funds would allow Médecins Sans Frontières to scale up the on-going interventions in the field of clinical management (such as the isolation of patients and psychosocial support), the tracing of suspected cases and the training and supply of personal protective equipment for health workers. Furthermore, the new funds would support the World Health Organization (WHO) in ensuring the epidemiological surveillance and providing medical supplies, equipment, transport logistics and health personnel.

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Related Links
ESO: Background information: Ebola in West Africa: European Union joins effort to stop spread of disease and releases €500 000 in immediate funding
European Commission: DG Humanitarian Aid & Civil Protection
European Commission: EuropeAid Development and Cooperation

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