The European Added Value of Revising the European Arrest Warrant

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Publication Date December 2013
Content Type

On 17 June 2013, the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) requested a European Added Value Assessment (EAVA) to support its work on the legislative initiative report of Baroness Ludford which recommends to the European Commission the revision of the European Arrest Warrant (2013/2109(INL)).

This assessment builds on expert research commissioned specifically for this purpose and provided by:

ANNEX I - A. Weyembergh, Professor at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) with the assistance of Mme I. Armada and C. Brière - on a critical assessment of the existing European Arrest Warrant Framework Decision;

ANNEX II - A. Doobay – on the need for intervention at EU level, by assessing whether the European Arrest Warrant Framework Decision is effective, complete and consistently applied among Member States.

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Related Links
European Parliament: DG Internal Policies: The European Added Value of Revising the European Arrest Warrant: Annex I
European Parliament: DG Internal Policies: The European Added Value of Revising the European Arrest Warrant: Annex II

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