Press Release: Turn to climate action for a job-rich economic recovery, Europeans say

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/14/201 (03.03.14)
Publication Date 03/03/2014
Content Type

A special Eurobarometer opinion poll on climate change published on the 3 February 2014 showed that four out of five people in the European Union recognise that fighting climate change and using energy more efficiently can boost the economy and employment. This is slightly higher than in the last poll, in 2011, when 78% agreed.

Source Link
Related Links
ESO: Background information: Climate Action: Commission kick-starts public debate in Southern and Eastern Europe
ESO: Background information: Climate change: Survey shows increased public concern, awareness of economic benefits of action
ESO: Background information: Environment: Policy Review shows need to address the challenge of resource efficiency
European Commission: Public Opinion: Special Eurobarometer 409: Climate change

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