European Corporate Reporting (Special reports)

Series Title
Series Details 18.11.13
Publication Date 18/11/2013
Content Type

Special reports written by EurActiv in November 2013.

+ Member states backtrack on corporate reporting pledge
A pledge made by heads of state and government this summer to beef up corporate social responsibility reporting for European companies was set to be ditched because too few member states were prepared to support it.

+ Furore over tax evasion opens door to new EU proposal on corporate tax
EU leaders responding to the public outcry over tax evasion by multinational companies have triggered a quest for pan-European solutions to tax fraud, but the debate has also enabled the European Commission to return to a controversial proposal for a Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (CCCTB).

+ Commission to overhaul reporting standards body by end of year
The European Commission is set to issue by the end of 2013 new regulations on accounting standards, overhauling the current standards body and meeting European Parliament concerns that Europe has become a lackey for US influence in the sector.

+ EU ministers and MEPs in logjam over auditor rotation
Plans to force companies to change accountants regularly are causing a logjam in negotiations between the European Parliament and Council, threatening to delay reforms that the Commission has insisted it wants agreed by the end of its mandate.

+ EU-US trade deal offers hope on reporting convergence
EU trade negotiators are optimistic that they can secure a place for financial services regulation within key trade talks on the 27 November 2013, offering some hope that this will help spur the US towards more convergence in international corporate reporting.

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Related Links
EurActiv, 18.11.13: Member states backtrack on corporate reporting pledge
EurActiv, 19.11.13: Furore over tax evasion opens door to new EU proposal on corporate tax
EurActiv, 20.11.13: Commission to overhaul reporting standards body by end of year
EurActiv, 21.11.13: EU ministers and MEPs in logjam over auditor rotation
EurActiv, 22.11.13: EU-US trade deal offers hope on reporting convergence

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