Study on Availability of Access to Computer Networks in Rural Areas

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2007
Content Type

The European Strategic Guidelines for Rural Development increase the focus on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) take-up and use in rural areas in line with EU priorities for the Information Society. In particular, ‘there is a need to accompany changes in rural areas by helping them to diversify farming activities towards non-agricultural activities and develop non-agricultural sectors, promote employment, improve basic services, including local access to Information and Communication Technologies’.

This study aims to provide all actors and stakeholders, from policy makers and investors to local government and community groups, with clear, cross-cutting guidance. The study shows how to maximise the benefits of ICT for growth and jobs, in all rural areas of Europe, using the support of rural development programmes. It synthesises existing literature, policies, research and best practices in a comprehensive analysis of ICT take-up in fields relevant to rural development. It reviews critically the impact of ICT and related practices and experience, in order to better focus and improve the effectiveness of rural development policy and better contribute to the European Union’s growth and employment priorities.

The study includes:
+ Part I - a Guide and database of best practice case studies and
+ Part II – a Review of existing policies and literature.

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Countries / Regions