Author (Corporate) | European Council |
Publisher | EU |
Publication Date | October 2013 |
Content Type | News |
Previews, reports and analysis of the European Council, Brussels, 24-25 October 2013. The introduction to the Presidency Conclusions said: 'Signs of economic recovery are visible but the EU needs to pursue its efforts to increase growth potential, enhance job creation and boost European competitiveness. Today the European Council focused on the digital economy, innovation and services. These areas have a particular potential for The European Council also looked at different economic and social policy areas. It took stock of the implementation of the initiatives taken in June 2013 in the fight against youth unemployment and the financing of the economy, in particular of small and medium-sized enterprises, and agreed on additional measures. It gave a new impetus to better regulation. The European Council held an in-depth discussion on completing the Economic and Monetary Union. It focused in particular on enhanced economic policy coordination, strengthening the social dimension of the Economic and Monetary Union and completing the Banking Union. As decided in June, the European Council will return to all these elements 2013 in December with a view to taking decisions. The European Council looked ahead to the Eastern Partnership Summit which will be held in Vilnius on 28 and 29 November 2013. The European Council expressed its deep sadness at the recent tragic events in the Mediterranean in which hundreds of people lost their lives and decided to step up the Union's action so as to prevent such tragedies from happening again'. However, German chancellor Angela Merkel said there is no question of changing the EU's basic rule, the so-called Dublin regulation, under which countries through which asylum seekers first enter the Union have to take care of them. |
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Subject Categories | Politics and International Relations |
Countries / Regions | Europe |