UN Development Goals: Countdown to 2015 (Special Reports)

Series Title
Series Details 20.09.13
Publication Date 20/09/2013
Content Type

Special reports written by EurActiv in September 2013.

An architect of the UN’s Millennium development Goals (MDGs) said he feared that a lack of strong leadership at the UN could lead to its poverty eradication goals being replaced by an over-politicised and unachievable “wish list” after 2015.
The United Nations is on track to meet many of the 2015 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) it set itself over ten years ago, but the milestones affecting women are all but certain to fall beyond its reach.
The imminent breach of a promise by EU states to spend 0.7% of their gross income on overseas aid by 2015 sparked calls for the UN to be given ‘coercive’ powers to force rich nations to honour future aid pledges.
Brussels has set itself a target for the New York Millennium Development Goals (MDG) review meeting in September 2013 of agreeing a roadmap to a post-2015 deal uniting the UN targets with its Rio+20 global sustainability agenda.
In 2005, EU ministers pledged to spend 0.7% of member states' Gross National Incomes on overseas development aid by 2015, keeping in line with the UN Millennium Development Goals. But new analysis of the latest figures shows that when genuinely new aid is counted, EU states are barely meeting half of that commitment.
EU officials have admitted for the first time that member state donations to the developing world can simultaneously count towards meeting climate change obligations and development commitments, such as providing 0.7% of gross income for overseas aid.

Source Link http://www.euractiv.com/specialreport-un-development-goals-countdown-to-2015
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EurActiv, 19.09.13: Infographic: EU states' aid pledge nears breaking point http://www.euractiv.com/development-policy/eu-states-aid-pledge-near-breaki-news-530509
EurActiv, 19.09.13: EU sets out stall for New York MDG summit http://www.euractiv.com/specialreport-un-development-goa/eu-sets-stall-new-york-mdg-summi-news-530539
EurActiv, 18.09.13: Dwindling EU aid spurs UN ‘global governance’ calls http://www.euractiv.com/specialreport-un-development-goa/waning-eu-aid-promises-spur-un-g-news-530517
EurActiv, 17.09.13: UN ‘failing' women with poverty eradication targets http://www.euractiv.com/specialreport-un-development-goa/un-failing-women-poverty-eradica-news-530504
EurActiv, 16.09.13: MDG designer fears UN goals will ‘degenerate into wish list’ http://www.euractiv.com/development-policy/mdg-designer-fears-un-goals-dege-news-530429
EurActiv, 27.09.13: 80% of Germans support keeping development aid goal http://www.euractiv.com/development-policy/80-germans-support-keeping-devel-news-530735

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