Commission urged to protect consumers against ‘IP tracking’

Series Title
Series Details 06.09.13
Publication Date 06/09/2013
Content Type

Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) have called on the European Commission to protect consumers’ privacy and personal data online by regulating the so-called 'IP-tracking' systems of some commercial Internet sites, a move the Commission had so far abstained from but might be forced to reconsider given the mood in some member states.

Some travel companies may use IP Tracking to define their prices. A blog entry on Le Monde in 2013 defined 'IP Tracking as a technology for yield management', practiced by a growing number of airlines or train companies. Classical yield management aims to optimize travels and to avoid empty seats in trains or planes. Its principle is simple: the operator lowers prices in empty trains, and when the train fills up, it increases them.

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Related Links
Privacy Europe: Press Release, 22.03.13: IP Tracking: Is it Compliant with Data Protection Laws?

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