Herring loss sparks EU-Faroe Island trade spat

Series Title
Series Details 2108.13
Publication Date 21/08/2013
Content Type

The European Commission adopted on the 20 August 2013 a package of measures to address the continued unsustainable fishing of herring by the Faroe Islands.

The measures included the ban of imports of herring and mackerel from the Atlanto-Scandian stocks that has been caught under the control of the Faroe Islands as well as fishery products containing or made of such fish. The measures also included restrictions on the use of EU ports by vessels fishing for the herring and mackerel stocks under the control of the Faroe Islands. This meant that some Faroese vessels would not be allowed to dock in EU ports, except in cases of emergency.

The Faroe Islands government reacted furiously to the EU decision. It threatened to jeopardise multilateral negotiations on herring quota allocations.

The Icelandic government said it rejected and objected in the strongest terms to the EU's resort to threats of coercive measures against Iceland and the Faroe Islands as a means of settling disputes on the management of shared fish stocks. The Government called on the EU to withdraw these threats, thereby abiding by its obligations under international law.

Source Link http://www.euractiv.com/cap/herring-war-rages-eu-faroe-islan-news-529890
Related Links
European Commission: RAPID: Press Release, IP/13/785: Commission adopts trade measures against Faroe Islands to protect the Atlanto-Scandian herring stock http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-13-785_en.pdf
Faroe Islands: Prime Ministers Office: Press Release, 20.08.13: The Government of the Faroes condemns EU plans to impose coercive economic measures http://www.mfa.fo/Default.aspx?ID=13626&Action=1&NewsId=5258&PID=23631
Iceland: Ministry of Foreign Affairs:Press Release, 16.08.13: Statement by the Government of Iceland on EU threats against the Faroe Islands and Iceland http://www.mfa.is/news-and-publications/nr/7741
ESO: Background information: EU adopts fish sanctions against Faroe Islands http://www.europeansources.info/record/eu-adopts-fish-sanctions-against-faroe-islands/
BBC News, 28.08.13: Herring trade sanctions begin against Faroe Islands http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-23855798

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