Press Release: Environment: 80% of Europeans are concerned about the environmental impact of products

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/13/653 (05.07.13)
Publication Date 05/07/2013
Content Type

According to a survey, most Europeans would be prepared to change their purchasing habits and buy more environmentally-friendly products, but many feel they lack information and distrust manufacturers' environmental claims.

The survey on the "Attitudes of Europeans towards building the single market for green products" indicates that more than three-quarters of respondents are willing to pay more for environmentally-friendly products if they were confident that the products are truly environmentally-friendly (77%). However, only slightly more than half of EU citizens feel informed (55%) about the environmental impacts of the products they buy and use.

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Related Links
ESO: Background information: Environment: Helping companies and consumers navigate the green maze
EurActiv, 19.11.15: Commission seeks solutions to ‘confusing’ Green labelled products

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