Press Release: Digital Agenda – Commission asks German telecoms regulator to lower mobile call rates

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/13/612 (27.06.13)
Publication Date 27/06/2013
Content Type

The European Commission has requested the German telecoms regulator (BNetzA) to amend or withdraw its plans which would result in German mobile termination rates (MTRs) more than 80% higher than in most other Member States. Termination rates are the rates telecoms networks charge each other to deliver calls between networks, and each operator has market power over access to customers on its own network. These costs are ultimately included in call prices paid by consumers and businesses.

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Related Links
ESO: Background Information: Digital Agenda: Commission insists German operators should not be allowed special treatment on mobile rates
ESO: Background Information: Telecoms: Commission acts on termination rates to boost competition

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