Report from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. Cohesion policy: strategic report 2013 on programme implementation 2007-2013

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details (2013) 210 final (18.4.13)
Publication Date 18/04/2013
Content Type ,

This report provides the second strategic overview of the implementation of the 2007-2013 cohesion policy programmes which are due to end in 2015. The first report was presented in March 2010. This report summarises the 27 strategic reports presented by the Member States at the end of 2012.

Cohesion policy invests to modernise national and regional economies by supporting innovation and job creation in SMEs, R&D, labour markets and human capital, by building key network infrastructures, protecting the environment, enhancing social inclusion and building administrative capacity. Effective implementation of the policy has become even more important since 2008 in view of the economic crisis as it ensures continued public investment in the context of fiscal consolidation in many Member States.

The reports provide an overview of the socio-economic challenges Member States are facing and the implementation of the EU funded programmes in a period of historic difficulty. In so doing, they contribute to strengthen transparency on and accountability for the delivery of cohesion policy objectives. An accompanying Staff Working Document explains how the Commission set about assessing progress and presents 13 thematic fact sheets drawing together material on implementation.

This report shows that, since the 2010 report, implementation has accelerated making important contributions to many areas necessary for sustaining growth and creating jobs. Equally, evidence points to clear progress towards the objectives set at the beginning of the period. The policy has also demonstrated its capacity to adapt to changing circumstances and to respond effectively to the crisis. That said, significant and additional results are still expected from the programmes up until the end of 2015 and it is important to maintain and even redouble the efforts made so far.

Finally, the Commission has proposed significant changes for the 2014-2020 period related to many of the issues analysed in this report: concentration of resources, focus on results, reliable reporting against common indicators, a performance framework and evaluation. This report and the accompanying documentation support the relevance of the changes proposed.

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Related Links
EUR-Lex: COM(2013)210: Follow the progress of this report through the decision-making procedure
EUR-Lex: SWD(2013)129: Commission Staff Working Document accompanying the report
ESO: Background information: EU Cohesion Policy is helping to weather the crisis and produce growth, says Commission 2013 Strategic Report
European Commission: DG Regional Policy: Policy Stages: Strategic reports 2012-2013

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Countries / Regions